
Specially formulated for pre and post-partum, the antioxidant rich ‘Blooming Mama To Be Tan’ will restore and enhance the promised pregnancy glow.

This revolutionary pregnancy tanning formula maintains skin’s elasticity, helping to prevent stretchmarks, whilst providing a gorgeous golden colour to maximise your wellbeing both during and after.



+Hydrates, Nourishes, Protects against stretchmarks, Rich in Shea Butter, Aloe Vera, CQ10, Vitamin E, Transfer resistant, Develops over 6-8 hours, Fragrance free.


Tanning Tips

+Prep skin in advance & apply Lusso Tan Primer.

+If applying with hands remember to rinse immediately after application.

+ Starting at the ankle glide the formula onto the skin using long, sweeping upwards motions.

+Leave your pregnancy tanning balm to develop over 6-8 hours.